
Tuesday 13 February 2018

8 Ways to Ease Withdrawal Symptoms after Quitting Sugar

Quitting sugar isn’t easy. People experience all sorts of withdrawal symptoms once they cut sugar out of their diet.
The severity of your symptoms will depend on how much sugar you’ve been eating and for how long. For some, the withdrawal symptoms last for days while for others they last for weeks.
Common withdrawal symptoms like headaches, nausea, anxiety and fatigue may make you want to quit quitting sugar, but I have a few tips to help you suppress these symptoms.
The fact that reducing sugar intake lowers risk of obesity and diabetes should motivate you to stay away from sugar. It’s also important to remember that you’ll feel more energized and experience less pain once you quit sugar.
Use the tips below to ease withdrawal symptoms after quitting sugar.

1. Increase protein intake

Eating high-protein food, especially during breakfast can help reduce sugar cravings and control hunger. Studies show that protein helps regulate blood sugar levels and this may help control reduce your withdrawal symptoms. 
Eat more protein foods like eggs, wild caught fish, beans, chicken, grass-fed beef and so on. Avoid snacking on protein bars since they’re loaded with sugar (unless they’re homemade).

2. Go cold turkey

Completely cutting sugar out of your diet is usually the best way to quit sugar. Eating sugar in moderation can increase your cravings and even trigger binge eating.
This means avoiding all foods with added sugar as well as natural sugars from fruits (until the symptoms disappear).

3. Drink lots of water

Sometimes we confuse thirst for hunger, therefore drinking water can help eliminate sugar cravings.
Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Carrying a water bottle to work can help you drink more water.

4. Eat more fiber

Eating high fiber foods will make it easier to control cravings since fiber increases fullness. Additionally, fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels.
Good fiber sources include vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains.

5. Exercise more

Regular exercise can help eliminate fatigue, headaches, anxiety and other sugar withdrawal symptoms. Exercise helps reduce these symptoms because when we exercise, endorphins are released, and this makes us feel good.
In fact, it’s advisable to do short workouts when sugar cravings kick in.

6. Get enough vitamins and minerals

It’s important to get enough nutrients when cutting sugar out of your diet. Being nutrient deficient can increase sugar cravings.
B vitamins, vitamin C, chromium and zinc help reduce sugar cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Good sources of B vitamins include kale, beans, eggs, fish and different grains. You can get chromium from broccoli, whole grains, seafood and oats. Foods rich in zinc include shrimp, salmon, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks and spinach. Lastly, get vitamin C from papaya, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale.

7. Stay busy

Most times, we overindulge in sugary foods when bored. Staying busy will help control the cravings and reduce the symptoms.

8. Take an Epsom salt bath

Some people experience aches and pains when withdrawing from sugar. Taking Epsom salt baths can help relieve these aches.
Soaking in Epsom salt can also help if you struggle with inflammation and joint pain. Simply add a cup of Epsom salt in water and soak in it for 15-20 minutes.
Lastly, remember to get adequate sleeping. Not getting enough sleep can increase your cravings and worsen the symptoms.

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