
Thursday 25 July 2024

‘INVISIBLE’: Top EU Officials Scramble to Figure Out Kamala Harris’ ‘Split-Persona’


Now that Joe Biden was taken out by the Dem ‘Palace Coup’ and VP Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee, top political players all over Europe are trying to find out what she is and what her candidacy means behind all the platitudes and constant laughing.

This comes after a top European official was caught on a ‘hot mic’ earlier this year in a damning assessment of Harris.

Executive board member of the European Central Bank, Isabel Schnabel described Harris as ‘invisible’ and had the opinion that the vice president ‘would never win an election’, during a private conversation in February.

New York Post reported:

“’They should have built up another candidate to Kamala Harris from the beginning’, Schnabel said in private remarks, unaware that she was on a livestream with audio. 

“She would never win an election, I mean that’s hopeless,” the European banking official said of Harris. ‘I don’t even know her because she has been so invisible’, Schnabel added.”


‘Invisible’ Kamala Harris.


The European Central Bank was fast to try to dispel the diplomatic fallout, saying that Schnabel’s remarks were ‘misleading’.

The ECB added that the executive board member ‘never comments in public on political events’.

But Schnabel was not alone in her assessment of Harris, and other European officials have indeed privately corroborated this assessment of Harris.

Some have said that ‘it was difficult to connect’ with Biden’s No. 2.

“’There is an argument that the EU should have made more of an effort to cultivate relations with Harris, given Biden’s age’, a senior EU official told the outlet. ‘But on the other hand, she didn’t exactly make that easy. It wasn’t easy to find occasions to meet Harris’.”


When Harris gets to be seen, she does not earn a lot of respect.

“Harris’ speech at a 2023 United Kingdom summit on artificial intelligence was described as ‘banal’ and contradictory to the theme of the conference by one attendee.”

Her word-salads and her “split-screen persona” worry officials, who say she seems ‘engaged and charismatic’ in private – but ‘highly scripted’ in public settings.

 “’A lot of work will be going on to map out what a Kamala presidency will look like and what she thinks and feels about issues, and how we deal with her and the people around her’, a UK official said. ‘I mean, I think we really need to see her VP, and then we can assess the whole ticket and kind of get our claws into every bit of the ticket’.”

“Allahu Akbar!” – Pro-Hamas Agitators Torch American Flags and Effigies of Netanyahu in DC Following His Speech to Congress (VIDEO)


Credit: The Telegraph

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a fiery address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress today which caused thousands of pro-Hamas protesters to descend on DC.

Things soon grew violent even before his speech as agitators attacked police officers even before his speech who desperately tried to defend themselves by deploying pepper spray.

The despicable anti-Semites then caused even more chaos at Union Station after Netanyahu’s speech when they started ripping down American flags and replacing them with Palestinian flags outside the Union Station.

Park Police finally took action and saved one flag while making arrests. The agitators then chased after the police in a fit of rage while chanting, “Let them go!” Let them go!”

Cops were once again forced to deploy pepper spray to disperse the crowd.

Not satisfied with merely tearing down Old Glory, pro-Hamas losers sought to set her ablaze while screaming, “Burn that sh*t!” and “Allahu Akbar!” No police were in sight to stop this.

Effigies of Netanyahu were also torched during the riot. Again, the police were AWOL.

The New York Post reported at one point a man dashed tried to rescue a burnt American flag, but was chased by people yelling “Get him!” and “Get the white guy!” before he managed to escape.

Belarus and Georgia Pivoting Toward the China-Russia Axis


Paratroopers of Russia, China and Belarus. Photo courtesy of Russian Military

The China-Russia axis is expanding into Europe, claiming Belarus and possibly Georgia.

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops are now in Europe, conducting joint exercises with the Belarus military on the Polish border. This, combined with the recent defense agreement signed between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Russian Federation, marks a strengthening of the CCP-led anti-US, anti-Western axis. This axis includes Iran and is now bolstering its ties with Russia’s ally Belarus, and potentially Georgia.

China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are becoming a tightly-knit bloc that provides diplomatic support for one another and helps each heavily sanctioned member survive.

China and Russia back Iran’s military and nuclear development. Iran funds Hamasand other terrorist organizations, destabilizing the Middle East. China funds Iran and supports Moscow’s economy, while Russia supplies China with energy. North Korea relies on China for most of its economic support and provides munitions to Russia.

Each member of this bloc has its own motivations: Xi Jinping promotes his vision of a Chinese-led world order, Vladimir Putin exploits Russian nationalism, Kim Jong Un follows the Juche philosophy of his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, and Ayatollah Khamenei maintains Islamic theocracy.

However, they are all autocracies united in their opposition to the US and the West, and they are attracting other like-minded countries.

It can be argued that Belarus is part of this axis due to its deep political and military integration with Russia. Belarus is a member of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Additionally, Minsk supports Russian actions like the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Ukraine, relies heavily on Russia economically, and participates in joint military exercises.

President Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian governance, marked by a crackdown on opposition and flawed elections, aligns Belarus with the other authoritarian, anti-Western regimes.

Russia is a key member of the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which also has included Iran as a full member since 2023. In July 2024, Belarus joined as the newest full member.

Following Belarus’s ascension to the SCO, Belarus and China announced joint military exercises, deepening their defense ties. Belarus joining the SCO, being one of Russia’s primary allies and a former Soviet republic, also marks a deepening of Russia-China ties, as Moscow allows the CCP to access territory that was once under Soviet control.

This development signifies a shift in the SCO’s focus from primarily economic cooperation to an emphasis on mutual security and defense.

The axis seeks to diminish the influence of the United States while also constraining the expansion of NATO. Through the CSTO, SCO, BRICS, and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the axis aims to provide alternatives to Western-dominated groups like NATO, the EU, and the G7.

Each of these Western groupings has a specific focus: the G7 is largely economic, the EU is diplomatic and economic, and NATO is mostly concerned with mutual defense. To compete, the China and Russia-led blocs, particularly the SCO, are experiencing mission creep as they try to address multiple domains.

Some analysts see Belarus joining the SCO as a signal that the organization is now a “multilateral representation of the ‘new international order’” led by China and Russia.

However, the CSTO still exists, and unless China joins the CSTO or the CSTO is dissolved, there will be conflicts and overlaps in the functions of these groupings. Furthermore, the CCP’s goal of gaining global diplomatic clout for the SCO is being undermined by the fact that several of its members are under severe sanctions. Transforming the SCO into a union of despots will not add to its credibility.

Georgia is another European nation pivoting toward Russia and away from the West. In May, young Georgians rioted against a “foreign agent law” modeled on a similar Russian law, viewing it as a shift away from the EU and democracy.

This legislation is seen as restricting freedom of speech, assembly, political affiliation, and NGO activities. Though pro-Western President Salome Zourabichvili vetoed the law, parliament overrode her veto. Most young Georgians condemned this shift.

Shortly after approving the “foreign agent law,” the ruling Georgian Dream party fast-tracked the “offshore law,” which President Zurabishvili also vetoed, but parliament again overrode her veto.

This law raises concerns about facilitating corruption by hiding assets offshore, reducing transparency, and weakening democratic institutions. Critics argue it mirrors Russia’s oligarchic system, concentrating power among a few wealthy individuals.

Combined with the foreign agent law, these moves suggest an effort to curb freedoms and centralize control, highlighting the ruling party’s significant power and raising concerns about the erosion of democracy in Georgia.

Both the EU and NATO have condemned the passage of the foreign agent law. The US warned that the law would threaten democracy in Georgia, reviewing all US-Georgia cooperation and imposing visa restrictions on supporters of the law.

According to the US Department of Defense, “On May 30, the US government began a full review of all bilateral cooperation with Georgia.

The decision to postpone NOBLE PARTNER [an annual joint US-Georgia military exercise] is due to the Georgian government’s false accusations against the United States and other Western entities, alleging pressure to open a second front against Russia and involvement in coup attempts against the ruling party.” As a result, the US has indefinitely postponed its joint military exercises with Georgia.

In 2023, Georgia and China signed a strategic partnership. With Belarus now firmly within the China-Russia sphere, there is a chance that Georgia might follow suit as the axis gains influence in Europe.

Dirty, Dishonest Hack Chris Wray Casts Doubt on Whether Trump Was Hit by Bullet at Rally


Credit: AP; New York Times

What a dirty, disgusting hack.

Chris Wray, who has a record of setting up innocent men in fake kidnapping plots, spying on Catholics at church, raiding the homes of peaceful pro-life activists and terrorizing J6 protesters, and targeting parents at school board meetings, took at swipe at President Trump during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday.

Wray suggested that President Trump was not hit by a bullet but that it was instead shrapnel that caused his injury on stage at the Butler rally.

Wray also admitted his agency and additional federal government employees allowed 8 shots to be fired at Trump during his speech – 8 shots before the gunman was neutralized!

Maybe Wray should not be taking potshots at Trump right now!

The Daily Mail reported:

The FBI’s director has cast doubt on whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet during the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania political rally.

Christopher Wray was updating Congress about the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler on Wednesday when he made the explosive statement.

‘With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,’ Wray said.

‘I don’t know right now whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have landed somewhere else.’

Wray was addressing security failures that allowed gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks to open fire. Crooks, 20, killed firefighter Corey Comperatore, 50, and injured two others including Trump during the shooting.

The presidential hopeful has since given extensive accounts of the moment he was shot and was seen sporting a bandage over his ear.

American Federation of Teachers Boss Randi Weingarten Begs Members Not to Protest Kamala Harris Speech


Randi Weingarten/Image: Video screenshot.

American Federation of Teachers convention boss Randi Weingarten begged attendees at the organization’s 2024 convention not to protest Kamala Harris’s appearance before the group on Thursday.

Weingarten told the crowd, “I’m asking all of us to honor the rules that they have asked us to honor…I’m asking all of us to use our moral obligation to each other to not protest inside the hall…this is the first female African-American AAPI candidate for the presidency of the United States!”


Weingarten’s remarks come after her unhinged screed on Monday, replete with shouting, fist waving, and vitriol, where screamed that President Trump is an “existential threat to democracy and freedom” days after a failed assassination attempt against him.

While Harris praised Weingarten, calling her a “force,” she stayed mum on Weingarten’s efforts to prolong damaging school closures that negatively impacted millions of students.


  CNN senior political commentator Scott Jennings, a father of four, shared the devastating impact her actions had on America’s children.

Jennings told Weingarten during a panel, “Speaking on behalf of millions of American parents….I had to teach them at home. My wife had to teach them at home. I am stunned at what you have said this week about your claiming to have wanted to reopen schools.”

“I think you’ll find that most parents believe you are the tip of the spear of school closures. There are numerous statements you made over the summer of ’20 scaring people to death about the possibility of opening schools. And I hear no remorse whatsoever about the generational damage that’s been done to these kids.”

Crooks Made Three Explosive Devices with Remote Detonation Capability – No Online Search History of Bomb Making and Hatched Assassination Plot Just 7 Days Before Butler Rally


Thomas Crooks

Who believes this?

Trump would-be assassin Thomas Crooks made three explosives with remote detonation capability in 7 days between the announcement of the Butler, Pennsylvania rally and the day of the event.

Police found a cell phone and a bomb detonator next to Thomas Matthew Crooks after a Secret Service sniper fatally shot him on a rooftop outside of Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

According to CNN, investigators found no online search history of Crooks researching how to assemble homemade explosives.

“It’s unclear how Crooks assembled the explosive devices found in his car. Investigators parsing through his online search history haven’t found any indication of him researching how to make home-made explosives, law enforcement officials said.” – CNN reported.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday and told lawmakers that the explosives found in Crooks’ vehicle and home were “crude.”

Wray told Jim Jordan two explosive devices were found in Crooks’ vehicle and one in his home.


Crooks searched Trump and the Butler rally on July 6 – just seven days before the event.

“The FBI, which is investigating the shooting as a potential act of domestic terrorism, does not yet have “a clear picture” of the gunman’s motive, Wray said. But investigators did find that Crooks seemed to become “very focused on” Trump and the rally on July 6. An examination of his laptop revealed that he searched “how far away was Oswald from Kennedy?” on that day, when he also registered to attend the rally.” – CBS News reported.

We’re expected to believe he came up with an assassination plot in 7 days?

According to the official narrative, Crooks did the following all by himself without an insider’s help:

  • Flew a drone over the Pennsylvania fairgrounds and got aerial footage of the rally layout on the day of the event – including 2 hours before Trump took the stage.
  • Got a range finder through security.
  • Evaded law enforcement officers from several different state, local and federal agencies.
  • Somehow ‘climbed’ up on a roof with his rifle 450 away from Trump, bear crawled to the perfect vantage point as bystanders alerted police and was still able to take 8 shots at Trump.
  • Parked a vehicle full of explosives near the Trump rally – even though there is no online search history of Crooks researching how to make at-home explosives.
  • Crooks was able to walk around the premises after Snipers took a photo of him looking suspicious.
  • A sniper located in the second story window was only 40 feet away from Crooks and didn’t neutralize him.
  • Trump was still able to take the stage after Crooks was pegged as suspicious by Secret Service.

Who visited Thomas Crooks’ home before he attempted to assassinate President Trump?

Mobile ad data analysis reveals someone who regularly visited Crooks’ Pennsylvania home also visited a building in DC near an FBI office.

The Oversight Project identified nine devices linked to AD-IDs that were located at Crooks’ home and work within the last year.

Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place.

“This is in the same vicinity of an FBI office on June 26, 2023,” the Oversight Project said.

Who’s device is this?

VP Harris Ditched Netanyahu Address For Sorority Leadership Event

 Vice President Kamala Harris ditched Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congressional address in order to speak at the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s Grand Boule in Indiana, an event that aides said she had previously planned to attend.

The event was titled, “Finer Women Amplifying The Extraordinary Power of S.H.E. through
Legacy, Leadership & Impact,” and was scheduled to be held July 23-28 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis.

Despite the event being previously scheduled, critics pointed out the awkward optics of Harris not being present at Netanyahu’s address — particularly because President Joe Biden was not attending either and because, since Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday, she has since become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee.

“I cannot imagine worse optics for the White House not to have Biden or Harris at this speech. Seems so very small. The fact that she was at a sorority speech is just an incredible choice,” Josh Holmes said.

“Hamas is still holding over 100 hostages and Kamala Harris is skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to go to a sorority event. She needs to get serious,” Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) added.


From the New York Post: “Today’s cover: Kamala Harris skipping Netanyahu’s speech to Congress to address sorority event instead.”

“VP Harris avoiding Netanyahu’s address to attend a sorority function is the wrong choice. Israel is a democracy and an ally under constant siege from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, all funded by Iran. Her failure to attend turns her back not on one man but on 10 million Israelis,” Mark Penn posted. “She need not agree with all but she should do her job as Pres. of the Senate and be there.”

While Harris missed Netanyahu’s address for another event, dozens of members of her party boycotted it intentionally. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and others refused to attend the speech, while anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) did attend solely in order to hold up a sign in the chamber claiming that Netanyahu was a “war criminal.”