
Sunday 9 September 2018

Toxic Teeth: The Most Popular Dental Practice that’s Making You Very Sick

Did you know that dentists perform 1,000 of root canal procedures daily in the United States? And most of these people believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem. I hate to break this to you, but there is nothing harmless and safe about root canals.
Although your dentist will tell you this is rubbish, and root canals are perfectly safe, there have in fact been studies connecting RCT teeth with ‘inexplicable’ degenerative diseases since the early 1900’s. 

5 Main Reasons to never get root canal procedures

  1. Root canals can cause chronic degenerative diseases such as  arthritis, heart disease,  joint diseases
  2. Recent studies have pointed out strains of “streptococcus,” “staphylococcus,” and “spirochetes” which exist in root canals. Root canals harbor all kinds of dangerous bacteria.
  1. Root canals collect toxins which can not be ejected because there is no vascular system in the tooth to do so.
  2. Bacteria collected in the root travels to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Contrary to modern dental wisdom, antibiotics can never fight and kill the bacteria in your root canal. Since the dead tooth does not have blood being supplied to it, the antibiotics can not reach the inside of that tooth.
  3. Every time you eat something, toxins accumulated in the root canal  travel into the blood with open access to any location of the body with weak spots. 
If the tooth can’t be saved, then a root canal with a material called “Biocalex” should be performed. “Biocalex” gets rid of most of the harmful bacteria and will cause way less complications. If this does not work, extracting the tooth might be necessary.

Take care of your teeth daily with Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass can reverse cavities and heal gum disease. Wheatgrass is comprised of bacteria-fighting chlorophyll that detoxifies your body and eliminates the conditions that cause harmful bacteria to damage your gums and teeth!

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