
Friday 30 November 2018

5 Myths about Aging that You Should Stop Believing

It’s surprising how everyone wants to live a long life, but nobody wants to get old. Our fear of old age stems from genuine concerns, such as health issues, losing independence, losing beauty and losing sex drive.
However, most of our concerns about getting older are based on myths about aging. Once you realize the truth about aging, you may not be afraid of it anymore. You will learn to accept it and make the most of it.
Before I share these aging myths with you, remember that your aging largely depends on the lifestyle choices you make today. For those who fail to make the right choices, the myths below may end up being truths.


Below are some common myths about aging. 

Myth #1: It’s normal for older adults to be depressed.

Many people link depression to old age, due to factors like loss of loved ones, retirement, and so on. Sure, these factors may trigger anxiety, but they don’t necessarily lead to depression.
Most older adults adjust to the changes that come with aging and learn live happy lives. Note that maintaining close relationships can help you avoid depression as you age.

Myth #2: With old age comes a cognitive decline.

It may be hard to convince people this is a myth, since cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s affect seniors more than younger people. But the truth is you can improve your cognitive function and creativity as you age. There are numerous examples of people who became more creative in their later years, like Grandma Moses, who painted until she was 101.
So how can you boost cognitive function as you age? This study says that integrating physical activity with challenging cognitive exercises is an effective strategy.

Myth #3: You should forget about sex.

If you think seniors lose interest in sex, you’re wrong. A report in the National Poll of Healthy Aging shows that two thirds of Americans in the 65-80 age group are interested in sex.
It’s true, some older adults lose interest in sex, but that’s mainly due to other factors, such as poor physical health, lack of a partner and mental fatigue. Luckily, you can boost sex drive at any age through strength training and a healthy diet.

Myth #4: Aging shrinks your hippocampus.

With a few clicks of the mouse, you can find a few studies supporting this myth. However, after studying the brain for so many years, Dr. Lupien wasn’t satisfied with this conclusion. She suspected that it was stress, not aging, that shrunk the hippocampus.
Therefore, she examined the brains of 177 people between the ages of 18 and 85. The results showed that 25 percent of 18 to 24 year-olds had the same hippocampus volumes as 60 to 75 year-olds.
Try these natural ways to relieve stress to protect your brain health.

Myth #5: Your genes determine how you age.

How you age has more to do with your habits than your genes. A person of average genetics can age better than someone with good genes, if they maintain healthy habits, such as meditation, reading, regular exercise and healthy eating.
Even those genetically predisposed to diseases can avoid them by maintaining healthy habits.

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