
Saturday 30 March 2019

Did You Know These Health Benefits Of Caviar?

Caviar, which also goes by caviare, is a delicacy enjoyed globally. It is the salt-cured roe of the Acipenseridae family. Roe is a mass of small and delicate eggs of sturgeon (27 species of fish), which is extracted from stunned female fish. The luxurious delicacy has a soft and popping texture and has a salty, seaweed flavour. But, fresher caviar is less salty, thereby making it costlier .
The extraction of caviar is complicated and it must be kept refrigerated until consumption due to its easily perishable nature. It can only be eaten using wood, glass or spoons made of non-metal, if done otherwise, the delicate eggs' taste can get contaminated upon coming in contact with metal objects . Extremely costly due to the intricate extraction method and short lifespan, caviar is mostly considered as the 'food of the rich'.
Apart from being a luxury, fish eggs are extremely beneficial for your health. They are considered to be a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, B12, and E, as well as iron, selenium and magnesium .. It can be consumed raw or cooked. Read on to know about the impact the luxurious food can have on your health and how it can improve your bodily functions.

Nutritional Value Of Caviar

100 g of caviar has 252 calories, 17.9 g total fat, 588 mg cholesterol, 47.5 g water, 0.9 mg zinc, 0.1 mg copper, 0.1 mg manganese, 0.3 mg vitamin B6, 0.1 mg niacin, 0.6 mg riboflavin, 0.2 mg thiamin, and 0.6 mcg vitamin K.
The other nutrients present in 100 g of caviar are as follows:
  • 4 g total carbohydrate
  • 24.6 g protein
  • 1500 mg sodium
  • 181 mg potassium
  • 275 mg calcium
  • 300 mg magnesium
  • 356 mg phosphorus
  • 181 mg potassium
  • 65.5 mcg selenium
  • 11.9 mg iron
  • 905 mcg vitamin A
  • 232 mcg vitamin D
  • 1.9 mg vitamin E
  • 20 mcg vitamin B12
  • 3.5 mg pantothenic acid
  • 491 mg choline
  • 50 mcg folate

Types Of Caviar

There are several varieties of the delicacy available for your consumption.
  • Beluga: It produces a grey to black roe which is creamy and soft in flavour. As the beluga fish is rare, this type of caviar is the costliest one.
  • Kaluga hybrid: This is considered to be an alternative to Beluga. The hybrid is farm-raised and produces roe with buttery characteristics, similar to that of Beluga.
  • Sterlet: The roe is small and rich with a strong flavour.
  • Siberian sturgeon: It is large and has a nutty flavour and colours ranging from light brown to black.
  • Ossetra: It is extracted from the Ossetra sturgeon and is deep brown to warm gold in colour. This type of caviar has medium-sized eggs and has a fruity flavour.
  • American ossetra: These are farm-raised, with the purpose of preserving the wild sturgeon, as well as to reduce the cost of caviar.
  • Sevruga: These produce small roe with a salty, rich taste. The fish that produces sevruga roe are common than other sturgeons, and the price is therefore lower.

Health Benefits Of Caviar

Apart from being an indicator of a rich lifestyle, the delicacy offers various advantages for your health and beauty.

1. Lowers blood pressure

Rich in potassium, caviar can be consumed to improve your blood pressure. Individuals suffering from high blood pressure are recommended meals that incorporate caviar, as it can manage hypertension.

2. Fights migraine

The vitamin B5 or the pantothenic acid present in caviar help reduce severe headaches. Along with that, the vitamin B2 also acts in easing your migraines, as well as help combat insomnia.

3. Boosts immune system

The vitamins A, C and E, the mineral zinc, the 'good fats', omega-3 fatty acids all work together in improving your immune system. Rich in antioxidants, consumption of caviar aids with the communication of the immune cells, thereby promoting its proper function. The omega-3 fatty acids aid the process by producing a group of chemicals called eicosanoids that can improve your immune response, thereby limiting the onset of any infections or diseases.
The omega-3 fatty acids also helps in the production of white blood cells, which release the necessary amount of antibodies in the event of an infection. The high levels of iron in caviar also play a central role in strengthening your immune system and protecting your body from external toxins .

4. Prevents heart attack

The high content of omega-3 oils in caviar plays a major role in improving your cardiovascular health. Along with this, the antioxidant property of it aids in keeping your heart healthy. It helps reduce the clogging in arteries and promotes better blood circulation, thereby preventing the onset of heart attacks.

5. Develops muscles

Considering the high protein concentration in caviar, it can be asserted that the delicacy is extremely beneficial for developing muscles. Protein-rich foods are recommended to unhealthy individuals as they will help in boosting their energy as well as their physical health. Caviar is revealed to have a positive impact on limiting the onset of Alzheimer's disease, which causes poor muscles and limb coordination .

6. Manages depression

Various studies have been conducted on understanding the impact of caviar on depression. The high concentration of omega-3 oils is pointed out to have a positive impact on reducing depression as well as bipolar disorder. Consuming caviar can help improve your mood and cognitive function. The magnesium content in the delicacy also plays a major role, as studies have linked magnesium deficiency with depression in individuals.

7. Improves bone health

The high amount of calcium can be linked to this benefit. It helps nourish your bones and improve your bone health. Along with the calcium, vitamin D in it also aid in improving one's bone health, thereby limiting the onset of age-related bone issues such as brittle and weak bones .

8. Regenerates haemoglobin

The vitamin C in caviar aids in increasing the levels of haemoglobin in your bloodstream. By doing so, it improves the movement of oxygen throughout the body. Due to this property, caviar is recommended to individuals who are undergoing chemotherapy or who have undergone surgery.

9. Prevents cancer

Caviar is ascertained to possess cancer limiting properties. Studies assert that delicacy can help limit the onset of early-stage breast cancer.

10. Treats anaemia

As aforementioned, caviar has a high content of iron which is beneficial for your basic bodily functions. One of the central benefits it possesses due to the iron content is the ability to treat anaemia.

11. Improves skin quality

Packed with iodine, structuring peptides, zinc, iron, magnesium and retinol, consuming caviar is not only beneficial for your health but also your beauty. The nutrients in the delicacy help regenerate and oxygenate your skin. It also has healing properties, which aids in cell regeneration. It also improves and maintains skin elasticity, making your skin feel young and healthy. The collagen and elastin in caviar also accord to these.

Side Effects Of Caviar

  • Long term consumption can cause weight-gain.
  • The excessive sodium or salt in caviar can cause the stagnation of water in the body.
  • In some cases, it may cause metabolic disorders .
  • It may disrupt the mineral balance in your body.

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