
Monday 4 December 2017

The Scary Truth Behind These Natural Remedies and Their Terrifying Side Effects

Natural remedies have become a replacement for prescription medications for many people. However, not all of these alternative medicines are proven to work. Sometimes, the risks outweigh the benefits. Problems like kidney failure, liver damage, and even death have been reported from the use of medicinal herbs and other home remedies. Here’s a look at how some of them can impact your health.

St. John’s wort 

This herb is often used to treat mild depression. It’s imperative to still consult with a doctor, because St. John’s Wort makes many other medications less effective. According to WebMD, cases of unplanned pregnancy have been reported in women taking the drug along with their birth control. There have also been reported cases of organ rejection when taking anti-rejection drugs along with St. John’s Wort after an organ transplant. 

Whole-leaf aloe vera juice 

It’s important to note that whole-leaf juice differs from juice made just from the gel. The biggest side effect of drinking whole-leaf aloe vera juice is its laxative properties. Overuse of this juice can lead to serious abdominal pain, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances such as low potassium. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness and an irregular heartbeat. Plus, over-consuming this juice can lead to a laxative dependency and increased constipation upon stopping consumption. 


Kava is a plant from the South Pacific that is most commonly used as an anxiety remedy. The FDA has reported many counts of serious liver damage, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver failure in 25 reports from other countries from use of the drug. Four of the 25 cases required liver transplants. Symptoms of a liver disease include nausea, vomiting, tiredness, stomach pain, and loss of appetite. 


The comfrey plant is native to Europe. It is typically applied to the skin to treat wounds and reduce inflammation because it contains allantoin, which helps grow skin cells. However, it has been linked to serious liver damage, and even death, because it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The oral form of comfrey has been banned in the U.S. and various other countries; it is sold in creams and ointments in the U.S., but the skin can still absorb these alkaloids, so it must be used in small quantities. 

Egg white masks 

Some dermatologists say that eggs have exfoliating properties, and since they’re rich in protein and vitamins, they believe they’re good for your skin — that opinion is not conclusive. Eggs run the risk of salmonella, which is a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, fever, chills, and stomach pain and can be dangerous for those with weakened immune systems. Since there’s no way to tell whether or not the egg you’re using contains salmonella, it’s best to choose another ingredient in your DIY face mask. 


There is no proof chaparral works for any of its intended uses. Some believe it reduces pain and inflammation along with skin irritation. Others even think it can help combat cancer, but the American Cancer Society says there is no proof of this. This plant is on the FDA’s poisonous plant list because it can cause irreversible liver damage. It can also interfere with certain over-the-counter drugs. 

Applying toothpaste to acne 

While the injuries associated with applying toothpaste to the face are not life threatening, they can be uncomfortable. Toothpaste contains ingredients that irritate the skin, like hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. This results in burns on the face, redness, and discomfort. There is no proof that toothpaste works any better than over-the-counter treatments, so it’s best to skip this home remedy. 


This flowering plant can be used to cause abortions. This requires a heavy dose of the plant, which can cause serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the kidneys and liver, and even death. The National Health Institute does not deem pennyroyal safe at any dosage, and the plant has been on the FDA’s poisonous plants list for more than 20 years. 

Applying butter to a burn 

Some think applying butter to a burn will reduce the pain and irritation that comes along with a skin burn. However, butter is greasy, and applying grease to a burn can actually increase the damage done to skin. The grease traps the heat, preventing it from escaping quickly. It is important to put cool water on a burn to help release the heat. Do not use ice; it can irritate the skin more. 

Chinese Herbal Medicines  

Asian herbal remedies have become more popular now that people look for alternatives to prescription drugs. However, when the California Department of Health tested herbal remedies coming from China, they found that 1/3 of them were laced with harmful toxins or prescription drugs, according to Some herbs contained arsenic and lead. These can cause serious reactions like kidney failure and death. 

At-home enemas 

Enemas are used to rid the colon of toxins and relieve constipation, but they can carry serious risks, even when performed by a doctor. Never do an enema at home. If done incorrectly, it can lead to bowel ruptures, bacterial infections and even death. Perforation of the colon is also possible. The risks of enemas outweigh the benefits, so either skip this treatment or have it done by a careful professional. .

American ginseng 

American ginseng is thought to help boost the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, and improve mental health and well being. Some also believe it can lower blood sugar to help with diabetes. This type of ginseng does come with some pretty serious side effects, so it’s important to consult with a doctor before use. Side effects include high blood pressure, anxiety, diarrhea, and vomiting. 


This tree is used for its bark, leaves, and seeds, which all have various medicinal properties like helping with stomach ulcers, fever, asthmsa, and more. However, when used in high doses or for extended periods of time, neem becomes dangerous.
The “extended period of time” depends on the way neem is used (ingested, applied to the skin, etc.). If applied to the skin, neem should only be used for up to two weeks, or it can cause kidney and liver problems. Neem can also reduce fertility. Small children should never use neem; it can cause seizures, blood disorders, and vomiting in small children within hours. 

Valerian root 

Valerian root became popular thousands of years ago for its anti-anxiety properties. Although the drug is generally safe, according to, it can cause nausea, headaches, and dizziness, making it difficult to perform day-to-day tasks like driving. Research on the long-term effects of valerian root is inconclusive, but it is not recommended for use for more than four to six weeks. 

Grapefruit juice 

Many people drink grapefruit juice to improve their skin, aid in weight loss, and even lower cholesterol. The downside: this magical fruit does come with some scary side effects. Grapefruit juice can dangerously increase the potency of certain medications because it contains a compound that can interfere with liver enzymes. Reader’s Digest reported that taking one pill with one glass of grapefruit juice could be the equivalent of taking five pills with water. Grapefruit juice can also potentially cause kidney stones in those who are more prone to them.

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