
Wednesday, 20 November 2019

CONSPIRACY NUT Lt. Col. Vindman Says Ukrainian President Zelensky was “Prepped’ to Bring Up Burisma in Trump Phone Call… Why was that? (VIDEO)

What a clown.
It’s really disheartening to know that we have such unimpressive, conspiracy nuts working in the White House and in close proximity to President Trump.

On Tuesday NSC leaker Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Jennifer Williams testified in front of the Adam Schiff Show Trial.
They made it through their basement star chamber auditions and were ready to go live in front of the American public.
Lt. Col. Vindman is widely suspected of being one of the anti-Trump leakers of the president’s call with Ukrainian leader President Zelensky.

During his testimony on Tuesday Vindman testified that President Zelensky “was coached” to mention Burisma Holdings to President Trump on their July phone call.
That’s just crazy. And, of course, Vindman has NOTHING to back that statement up.
Vindman has nothing but a conspiracy in his head to think the reason Zelensky brought up Burisma was because he was coached on the subject.
The more logical reason is because Zelensky was elected to fight corruption and all of Ukraine and the international community KNEW Burisma was corrupt.

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