
Tuesday 4 August 2020

Caught On Camera: Colorado Police Handcuff Kids

Colorado’s Aurora Police Department has opened an internal investigation after several children were handcuffed at gunpoint during a weekend traffic stop.
The Aurora Police Department said officers detained a family, a driver and multiple children, after a vehicle was mistakenly identified as stolen Sunday morning.
Brittney Gilliam, who identified herself as the driver, said she had taken her nieces, younger sister and daughter to get their nails done, and when they realized the salon was closed, they got back in their car. That’s when she said police surrounded their car with guns drawn.
Jennifer Wurtz witnessed the incident.
“I saw a car next to me with four girls in it. Feet were up on the dash it was real cute. And next thing I know the police pull up silently behind them and had guns drawn on the children,” she says.
Wurtz started recording on her phone when the police handcuffed the kids and put them face down on the ground.
“That’s police brutality. I don’t give a damn what nobody say. That’s police brutality,” she says.
Aurora Police said a motorcycle with the same license plate number from a different state was actually the vehicle reported stolen on Sunday morning.

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