
Saturday 19 September 2020

AMAZING! Trump Supporters Chant, “Nobel Peace Prize! Nobel Peace Prize!” at Wisconsin Campaign Rally (VIDEO)


President Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last Wednesday.

It should have happened years ago.

A member of the Norwegian Parliament, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after Trump successfully accomplished a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Then last Friday President Trump again was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, this time by Magnus Jacobsson for his historic Kosovo-Serbia Peace Agreement.

Magnus Jacobsson: I have today nominated the United States :s administration and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia to the Nobel Peace Prize for their joint work for peace and economic development, through the cooperation agreement signed in the White House. Trade and communications are important building blocks for peace.

Magnus Jacobsson is the Second Deputy Chairman of the Transport Committee in the Swedish Parliamant (Riksdag).

On Thursday during his Wisconsin rally the pro-Trump crowd started chanting, “Nobel Peace Prize!… Nobel Peace Prize!…”

Trump supporters are the best!

President Trump then explained to the Wisconsin crowd that most Americans had not heard about the nominations because of the bias in the liberal mainstream media.

The fake news totally ignored the two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.


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