
Sunday 22 November 2020

A Patriot Call To Action


Photo via IkeWasRight from the MAGA Rally in Washington DC, November 14, 2020

The time for sitting back and waiting has passed.

It is now time for all patriots keen on preserving and saving the Republic stand up and act. You can no longer sit and wait on the process to work. You must stand up and get engaged. Act.! This is not about simply fighting to ensure that the millions of votes for Donald Trump are accurately recorded and his victory certified. This goes beyond partisan politics. It is about you taking action to restore trust in our judicial and electoral systems and battling to vanquish those corrupt bureaucrats, politicians and corporate kleptocrats who have sold their souls and honor for transient financial gain.

Let us start with actual proof of the electoral fraud. Despite the media and many mainstream Democrats and Republicans insisting there is nothing to see and you should just shut the hell up and move along, the evidence is specific and compelling. There has been a coordinated operation to steal the election from Donald Trump and, ultimately, the American people.

The affidavit of Russell James Ramsland, who is part of the Allied Security Operations Group, made the following declaration under the penalty of perjury presents clear evidence. ASOG has particular expertise in this area:

ASOG provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cyber security, OSI NT and PEN testing of networks. We employ a wide variety of cyber and cyber forensic analysts. We have patents pending in a variety of applications from novel network security applications to SCADA protection and safe browsing solutions for the dark and deep web.

According to Ramsland the voting data shows that the numbers produced show clear indications that the vote totals are the result of an algorithm that manipulated the voting results. The final numbers reported in Michigan appear in decimal points, not whole numbers.

michigan2020-11-04T06:54 :48Z640.5340.4481925865.661615707.52
michigan2020 -11-04T06:56:47Z640.5340.44 81930247.6641619383.808
michigan2020-1104T06:58:47Z640.5340.4481931413.3861620361. 792
michigan2020-11-04T07:00:37Z640.5330.451941758.9751639383 .75
michigan2020-11-04T07 :01:46Z640.5330.451945297.5621642371.3
michigan2020-11-04T07:03:17Z650.5330.451948885.18 51645400.25
If a vote was recorded as a single vote, the numbers would be whole numbers. But they are not. The results show decimals. In other words, observed raw vote data shows decimal places, which is a clear marker that the results were produced via an algorithm as opposed to actual votes.
If a vote was recorded as a single vote, the numbers would be whole numbers. But they are not. The results show decimals. In other words, observed raw vote data shows decimal places, which is a clear marker that the results were produced via an algorithm as opposed to actual votes.

There are the 4 spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the equipment available at the 4 reference locations (precincts/townships) we looked at for processing ballots, and cross referencing that with both the time it took at each location and the performance specifications we obtained using the serial numbers of the scanning devices used. (Model DRM16011 – 60/min. without accounting for paper jams, replacement cover sheets or loading time, so we assume 2,000 ballots/hr. in field conditions which is probably generous). This calculation yields a sum of 94,867  ballots  as  the maximum number of ballots that could be processed.

Let me repeat this key fact. The computer system was only capable of processing 94,867 ballots in 2 hours and 38 minutes. Yet, the reported results claimed that 384,7333 ballots were processed. Physically impossible.

Mr. Ramsland’s examination of the votes in Wayne County further highlight the clear evidence of fraud. 

So what are you to do? Sit still and do nothing? No. It is incumbent on all American Patriots to take action and not relent.

Here are the specifics of what you can and should do:

  1. Contact your Representative in Congress and demand that they protest the stolen election and support President Trump.
  2. Contact your Senator and demand that they protest the stolen election and support President Trump. I would note that in my state, Florida, Senators Rubio and Scott have been too damn silent. Senator Mitt Romney is betraying himself as a deep stater. The folks in Utah need to rise up and let Mittens know that he is sealing his political future by betraying the popular vote.
  3. Rally and go to your state capitol and demand that Republican legislators do everything in their power to oppose this electoral fraud.
  4. Initiate recall petitions against corrupt Secretary’s of State.
  5. Flood the Governor’s office with demands that they speak out against the electoral fraud.
  6. Call the Republic National Committee and let them know in no uncertain terms that you will not continue to provide funds to an organization that will not fight to protect the rights of disenfranchised voters.
  7. Turn off Fox News. Sign on to NewsMax and OAN. Let the advertisers on Fox know that you will no longer buy their products if they continue to advertise on FOX.
  8. Sign up for Parler, MeWe, Rumble and other social media sites that will not censor Trump supporters. Do not continue to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites under the control of Big Tech.
We must act and act in the force of numbers. The future of our Republic is at stake. What happened in Michigan is not an aberration. It also happened in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Virginia. Donald Trump won a massive popular vote . This is not conspiracy theory. The Deep State is real and must be defeated.

[NOTE–There are several commenters pointing out that there may be an error in the affidavit quoted above. Specifically, Ramsland’s list of precincts in Wayne County may be incorrect. These precincts appear to be located in Minnesota, not Michigan. Since I am quoting the affidavit all I can do is point out what Ramsland swore to under oath and allow you to point out he may be wrong about the state. The more important point is that the data for voter turnout, regardless of whether it is Michigan or Minnesota, shows clear fraud.]

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