Tucker Carlson branded President Joe Biden 'a lunatic with no self-respect' on Thursday after the Kabul suicide bomb killed 13 U.S. service personnel.
Carlson made his comments at the start of his nightly opinion talk show after the horrific bombings outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.
He started the talk show with a monologue in which he suggested that someone who 'hated the country' and wanted to 'humiliate America for good' would use Afghanistan to do that, alluding to Biden.
Carlson said it would 'humiliate everyone involved' to withdraw from Afghanistan after a war that has lasted 19 years and turn the war 'into a welfare program' while spending trillions of dollars to do so.
'When crowds of desperate people showed up, as they inevitably would, begging to be evacuated, you'd be certain to give preference to the foreign nationals, the ones you might hate you and prefer Sharia law to democracy,' Carlson said.
'They would get the first seats on the plane. As for your own citizens, the people you exist to protect, we just wish them luck and leave them behind.'

Tucker Carlson branded President Joe Biden 'a lunatic with no self-respect' on Thursday after the Kabul suicide bomb killed 13 U.S. service personnel
He continued: 'Then, having done all of that, you go on television back in your own country to brag about what an amazing job you've done. You'd call yourself a hero. You'd compare your evacuation of Kabul to the Berlin airlift.'
'And that way, once you done that, the rest of the world would know you're not simply incompetent and weak, but you're also delusional. You are a lunatic with no self-respect,' Carlson said.
Carlson said that enemies of the United States took 'advantage' of America's 'diminished condition' with the suicide bombing.
'In moments like this, Americans turn instinctively to their president for perspective and leadership. It doesn't matter if they voted for him, They want to be reassured by the man in charge,' Carlson said.
'But Joe Biden did not reassure them, he didn't even appear. For hours, Biden remained hidden and silent. Finally, the White House announced that Joe Biden would speak to the country at 5 p.m. this afternoon. But even then, he didn't show.'
Carlson said that when Biden did eventually speak, it was 'it was hard to believe this is the man in charge of our country.'
'Joe Biden is fading before our eyes. He began by muttering something irrelevant and weird about his late son, Beau, whom he described as the U.S. attorney in Kosovo, as is if that position exists,' Carlson said.
Beau Biden died of cancer in 2015, with his father convinced the disease was brought on by exposure to toxic chemicals during a tour of Iraq.
'And then Biden pledged his voice weak and halting, speaking at a pace half of what a normal person speaks at, that he was going to somehow hunt down and punish the people who killed our Marines today.'
Biden had said on Thursday: 'To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, no, this. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.'
'No, you won't, unfortunately. The tragedy today was not a complete surprise. There was intelligence suggesting it might happen just hours before the attack,' Carlson said.
He added: 'It's all so humiliating. Serious people are laughing at us, which is probably the point of doing it.'

He started the talk show with a monologue in which he suggested that someone who 'hated the country' and wanted to 'humiliate America for good' would use Afghanistan to do that, alluding to Biden

Afghans lie on beds at a hospital after they were wounded in the deadly attacks outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday

Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul's airport Thursday, transforming a scene of desperation into one of horror in the waning days of an airlift for those fleeing the Taliban takeover
Carlson also mocked Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., who had provided updates about the suicide bombers on Thursday.
McKenzie had said: 'It was a failure by the Taliban to operate with varying degrees of confidence. Some of those guys are very scrupulously good. Some of them are not.'
'The other thing we do is we share versions of this information with the Taliban so that they can actually do some searching out there for us. And we believe that some attacks have been thwarted by them,' McKenzie said.
'We share a common purpose to as long as we kept that common purpose aligned, they've been useful to work with. They've cut some of our security, some of our security concerns down.'
Carlson retorted: 'Joe Biden doesn't really need the U.S. military to protect the Kabul airport because the Taliban now have that covered. General Kenneth McKenzie explained this today at a press conference.'
'Now, some of those Taliban guys are very scrupulously good. That was the official word from the Biden administration,' Carlson said.
'Keep in mind what the general said. He said after the Taliban let a suicide bomber through a checkpoint at the airport that killed 13 Americans. But still, we're going to trust them. The Biden administration trusts the Taliban enough tonight, apparently to share classified intelligence with them.'
He continued: 'So we now share a common purpose with the Taliban, that's the head of the US military telling us that. So naturally, the Taliban are now in charge of protecting our citizens.'
'Hey, America, here's your new bodyguards. The bad news is, they're the Taliban.'
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