
Wednesday 14 December 2022

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Under Fire Over Move to Hide City’s Exploding Violence From Media and Public

 Failed socialist Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is leading a city engulfed in violence.  One way to hide her abysmal record is to keep information from journalists and the public.

Lightfoot is under fire from local media over the decision for the city to move away from traditional police scanners to an encrypted radio frequency.

A group of local news outlets signed a letter expressing concerns that the encrypted system will inaccessible to the public, and thus to journalists, and will prevent them from sharing critical, time-sensitive information about threats to safety.

Fox News reports:

“Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration has refused to meet with members of the Chicago media who have voiced concern this will impact journalists’ ability to cover events as they unfold and warn the public about ongoing threats to safety,” Chicago outlet WGN9 reported

“We are a coalition of Chicago-area news organizations concerned with this planned encryption and are sharing our concerns to raise awareness about how the City’s plan will impact our ability to provide timely, accurate and potentially life-saving news to you,” the letter reads.

The letter also references a shooting last week at a Chicago courthouse and police district in broad daylight. The perpetrator fired more than 40 shots and escaped. The media organizations that penned the letter said that the public did not see, hear or read about the crime as it was happening because of the new system.

“The City of Chicago prevented you from knowing about this dangerous incident by blocking all live scanner transmissions. This jeopardized the lives of everyone at that police department, everyone at that courthouse, everyone on that expressway,” the letter continues.

The news organizations also referenced another incident, in which the media was not able to report in real-time after a man armed with a rifle walked through a Chicago neighborhood, later being shot by police.

The media members worry that the delay could harm the public during quickly unfolding events, such as an active shooter event, a bomb scare, or fire.

They also claim that Lightfoot and her administration have refused to meet with the media in person to discuss the issue despite multiple attempts to engage with officials.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, the city said that, ” The new encryption method is being rolled out in zones. To date, eight zones have been transitioned, beginning in May. Having encrypted radios will provide added protection for communities and the personal information of victims, suspects, witnesses, and juveniles. It also will enhance officer safety and prevent suspects from gaining a tactical advantage by listening to live incidents and investigations.”

The city underscored their position that the media and public will only have access to the delayed transmission of approximately 30 minutes.

The full letter from Fox32 posted to the public reads:

To our Readers, Viewers, and Listeners,

Mayor Lori Lightfoot has revealed the City of Chicago’s plan to block live transmissions of Chicago Police scanners – restricting access to transmissions that have always been available to the public and to the news media. We are a coalition of Chicago-area news organizations concerned with this planned encryption and are sharing our concerns to raise awareness about how the City’s plan will impact our ability to provide timely, accurate and potentially life-saving news to you.

Our newsrooms monitor emergency scanner traffic to report everything from traffic congestion to developing threats to public safety.

As news unfolded about the July 4th shooting in Highland Park, the media and the public turned to police scanners and reporting informed by police scanners to take cover, to stay safe, to locate the missing. A coalition member was able to report on a shooting last month in Chicago’s River North neighborhood as the perpetrators remained at large, alerting the public of this imminent danger.

But now, things have changed.

A shooting took place at a courthouse and police district in Chicago last week in broad daylight. The perpetrators fired more than 40 shots and escaped on an expressway.  You did not see, hear, or read about that incident as it was happening. The City of Chicago prevented you from knowing about this dangerous incident by blocking all live scanner transmissions. This jeopardized the lives of everyone at that police department, everyone at that courthouse, everyone on that expressway.

Also last week, we learned that a man armed with a rifle was walking down the street in the city’s West Pullman neighborhood. He was later shot by Chicago Police. We were not able to alert the public as it was happening. All of this took place around dinnertime, as people returned home from work and children returned home from school.

Real-time access to police scanners promotes transparency and accountability by law enforcement. An analysis of the scanner transmissions in the Uvalde, Texas school shooting revealed that law enforcement’s response was not as local authorities had first portrayed it. The availability of scanner communications also directly led to the videorecording of the killing of Alton Sterling by two Baton Rouge police officers. To put it simply, the media’s informative reporting on these events would never have been possible without real-time access to scanners.

Earlier this year, we learned that Chicago officials intended to prevent Chicago media from hearing these essential real-time scanner transmissions. The City claimed several reasons for the switch, including minimizing disruptions by unauthorized users who transmit fake calls, preventing criminals from monitoring police, and maintaining the safety of first responders. The City has never identified members of the press as the disruptors. And members of the press are regularly in touch with officials to ensure that our reporting does not jeopardize police investigations or public safety.

We reached out to officials to ask that accredited members of the press be granted access to the newly encrypted channels, but the City responded that both the press and the public would only be provided access on a 30-minute delay. We strongly believe that any scanner transmission delay will negatively impact public safety and could put lives in jeopardy when mere seconds matter, for example, during an active shooter event, a tornado, a fire, a bomb scare, a plane crash; virtually any emergency event where the public might need to seek safety or shelter.

Further, in our view, encryption and delays run counter to resounding calls for greater transparency in law enforcement. The City has also already taken the liberty of completely removing some of these recorded transmissions from its delayed broadcast, effectively causing certain police or fire incidents to vanish – as though they never happened. This is censorship in its purest form.

We asked to meet in person with the City to further address these issues, but despite multiple attempts, Mayor Lori Lightfoot flatly refuses to even discuss the matter. In short, the Mayor’s decision to restrict our access to scanner channels will harm our ability to keep you, our readers, viewers, and listeners, safe and informed, and render it more difficult to hold our government and its personnel accountable. To borrow language from the highest federal appellate court sitting in Chicago, “The newsworthiness of a particular story is often fleeting. To delay or postpone disclosure undermines the benefit of public scrutiny and may have the same result as complete suppression.” We couldn’t agree more.

CBS 2 Chicago
NBC 5 Chicago
ABC 7 Chicago
Fox 32 Chicago
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Public Media

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