
Wednesday 21 June 2023

Louisiana farmer loses two-thirds of customers for criticizing “Pride Month” on Instagram

  A Catholic father of five who runs a small family farm in Louisiana is facing backlash after he defended traditional family values during “Pride Month” on Instagram.

Ross McKnight, the owner of Backwater Foie Gras, wrote on the Meta-owned, Facebook-tied social media platform on June 3 that LGBT pride has become a serious threat to traditional family values and the families like his own that still adhere to them.

“The push to have every mainstream value and holiday represented in some way in our Louisiana ought to make no sense at all to any Louisianais or Louisianaise, unless recognized as a forward offensive by an ever-encroaching enemy that has sought for generations to destroy our unique culture which is so intimately tied to our Catholic identity,” were McKnight’s exact words posted to Instagram.

McKnight also referred to “pride month,” which now takes over every month of June on an annual basis, as an “attempted coup of the month of June.” He also suggested “some antidotes to a false pride,” including enthroning the so-called “Sacred Heart of Jesus” in one’s home while wearing “the Sacred Heart as a badge wherever you go” and praying “the Rosary for the conversion of souls.”


Aren’t LGBTs supposed to be tolerant and accepting of others’ beliefs?

Not long after posting all this McKnight was informed that some of his family farm’s biggest customers will no longer do business with them. In fact, two-thirds of the restaurants that purchase from McKnight’s farm have said they are done because pride is more important to them than respecting another’s free speech and religious rights.

“Recently, we received two texts from two restaurant owners who have decided that they’ve had enough of our Catholicism based on our latest Instagram feed post and have canceled their large, recurring orders,” McKnight wrote in a follow-up post about the punishment he received for speaking his faith on social media.

“While we’ve never required our customers to pass a litmus test before serving them, it seems our values, which come from lives lived as Louisiana Catholics, are considered unacceptable by some.”

As any true Catholic would, McKnight celebrated and rejoiced about the persecution he is now receiving at the hands of LGBT enthusiasts who, unlike their “tolerance” mantra, cannot stand that he is a devout Catholic willing to stand up against the perversion being pushed in the name of LGBT pride.

“We count it a privilege to have lost much,” he wrote. “It is an honor to participate, through the suffering of our family, in the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

“We have already seen Divine Providence working through all of this, and we have already seen that business we lost by rejecting pride beginning to be restored – in no small part by fellow Catholics who have reached out to support us and to share in the great victory that it is to suffer for and with Christ the King.”

According to Harrison Weinhold, a family friend and supporter of the McKnights, the family has lost somewhere between $6,000 and $10,000 in monthly revenue due to canceled orders. This threatens their livelihood, he said, because the McKnight’s run a “tiny artisanal operation” that cannot afford such a blow to the finances.

In a Twitter thread, Weinhold revealed that the canceled orders “are not from Louisiana” but “are the exact transplants that ruin the culture of a once great community, and are the type of virtue signaling leftists that are more than happy to persecute and ruin the lives of a native son and his family in the name of celebrating pride.”

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