
Saturday 22 July 2023

Elected Democrat Who Keyed Car With Anti-Biden Bumper Sticker Gets ‘Slap On The Wrist’

 Don’t do the crime if you’re not a Democrat — or so seems to be the latest legal advice across the country these days.

The latest example of this can be found in Rhode Island after a Democrat state senator was given a slap on the wrist for misleading police and vandalizing a private citizen’s car. In late June, state Sen. Joshua Miller was arrested for allegedly keying a man’s car that had a “Biden Sucks” bumper sticker.

When Miller was first questioned by police, he claimed that the victim was possibly a “gun nut” who knew that Miller was a state senator and that the victim made up the whole incident. So, in other words, Miller pulled a reverse “Do you know who I am?” but a video review would appear to show he was lying.

See the saga below in a must-watch video:

Now, he’s been ordered by a judge to pay $3,000 restitution to the victim after entering a no-contest plea deal this week. However, if he stays out of criminal trouble for the rest of the year — then the conviction will be scrubbed from his record.

“I am truly sorry for my actions in this matter, and I am disappointed in my behavior and lack of judgment,” he told reporters outside a courthouse, according to Fox  News.

“In a blink of an eye, I exhibited a lack of self-control that has impacted my reputation,” Miller added. “For that, I only have myself to blame as I am solely responsible for what led to today’s court proceedings.”

Rhode Island GOP chair Joe Powers blasted the decision.

“It’s another case of politics as usual in the Ocean State,” Joe Powers said in a statement to Fox News. “In pure Rhode Island political fashion, another Democrat gets off with a slap on the wrist and retains his chairmanship of the powerful Health and Human Services Committee and committee assignments with no recourse.”

Miller reportedly has no plans to step down anytime soon.

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