
Tuesday 7 May 2024

Bruising Ad Hits Bob Casey, Biden Over Plan To Resettle Palestinians In U.S.

 Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is under fire over a White House proposal to resettle Palestinian refugees in the United States.

Dave McCormick, the Republican challenger for Casey’s Senate seat, released an ad blasting Casey and President Joe Biden over the proposal, which would allow Palestinians in Egypt with immediate family members with permanent residence in the U.S. to immigrate. 

“It’s crazy,” says the 30-second ad, titled “Bob Casey is too Dangerous for Pennsylvania.” “The countries next door to Gaza say it’s not worth the risk, but Biden wants to bring them here.”

“What has Bob Casey done to stop it?” the ad continues. “Bob Casey votes with Joe Biden 98% of the time, and he refuses to stand up to Biden even when Pennsylvanians are at risk. Bob Casey is too dangerous for Pennsylvania.”

Israel’s war against Hamas, launched after the Palestinian terrorist group’s October 7 attack on Israel, has displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in Gaza. Despite Hamas’ brutality, the terror group enjoys widespread approval among Palestinians, according to polling.

Polling results from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research released in March found that support for Hamas has increased among Palestinians since October 7, especially among those who live in the Gaza Strip. More than two-thirds, 71%, of all Palestinians support Hamas’ decision to attack Israel on October 7. During the attack, terrorists killed roughly 1,200 people in Israel and took hundreds more captive, including U.S. citizens.

“71% of Palestinians think Hamas’s terrorist attacks on October 7 were justified, and yet Joe Biden is planning to invite Gazans to make a home in America. Bob Casey, who votes with Biden 98% of the time, has been completely silent. Pennsylvanians are desperate for leaders who will put their safety and the safety of their children first. Instead, they have an empty suit,” McCormick told The Daily Wire in a statement.


The Biden administration has increasingly pressured Israel to provide aid for Palestinians and work toward a ceasefire with Hamas. 

The other U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania is filled by Casey’s Democratic colleague, Sen. John Fetterman. Fetterman has distinguished himself among Democrats in recent months with his outspoken support for Israel during its war on Hamas. The senator reiterated last month that he holds Hamas responsible for the war in Gaza.

“Without a doubt, this is a humanitarian tragedy. Hamas alone owns this calamity. We must demand Hamas free the hostages and surrender — ending suffering, death and chaos,” Fetterman posted on X.

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