
Thursday 9 May 2024

Job Creators Network Launches State, National Coalition to Reach and Engage Hispanic Voters Ahead of ’24 Election


Job Creators Network (JCN) has teamed with Bienvenido and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference to launch the Hispanic Vote Coalition, staffed by a veteran national director and two experienced state directors to coalesce a national grassroots strategy in the two pivotal swing states of Arizona and Pennsylvania ahead of the presidential election.

“The Hispanic Vote Coalition was launched to reach Hispanic voters on issues that are important to them, inform Hispanic voters of which policies align most closely with their values and the American Dream, and correct the misinformation that has been forced upon these voters for many years,” Job Creators Network said in a statement.

“Hispanic voters in swing states are highly likely to determine the outcome of this election, so it is essential that Hispanic voters be reached with messages and by messengers who understand their values. The Hispanic Vote Coalition is a major effort to engage and educate Hispanic voters in key swing counties and states to vote for their conservative values, including hard work, entrepreneurship, family, and faith.”

The Hispanic Vote Coalition has seven key components:

  • Voter registration drives at Hispanic churches and small businesses
  • A get-out-the-vote campaign
  • Church, community, and small business events
  • Educational materials for Hispanic pastors, congregants, small business owners/Hispanic Chambers, and all Hispanic voters.
  • Sample sermons and educational materials for Hispanic pastors
  • Targeted media advertising campaigns
  • Engaging trusted Hispanic messengers and advocates, including small business owners

The Hispanic Vote Coalition is led by Job Creators Network CEO Alfredo Ortiz and JNC Chief Strategic Growth Officer Mary Thomas.

UnidosUS / Facebook

“Because of their growing, positive impact on American culture and the economy, we believe that Hispanics will be a deciding factor in the 2024 election,” said Ortiz. “Hispanic voters deserve to be engaged in an honest conversation about the positive role they play in the American economy and about the negative impact that Washington’s bad policies like high inflation, high taxes, and overregulation, have on them, their families, and their businesses. I am thrilled and honored to partner with Bienvenido and NHCLC, two Hispanic-led groups that have a long history of making an tremendous positive impact in defending the values of our Hispanic community.”

“The Hispanic Vote Coalition will use our many decades of political and policy experience to successfully reach the Hispanic community where they live, work, and worship, to secure the Hispanic support necessary to ensure that pro-growth, pro-small business, and pro-family policies are made in Washington,” said Thomas.

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